A Tasteful Trump Concession? Not Likely

The post election Trump show has begun.

Jordan McCleester
4 min readNov 9, 2020
Photo by roya ann miller on Unsplash

As more mail in ballots were counted throughout the past week, the obvious was playing out, margins were thinning and Biden was closing the gap on the 2020 election. All the while the obvious was playing out in Trump-land as well, Trump will not concede.

When has he ever?

Trump’s attitude and actions following the announcement of Biden as the President-elect is nothing new, but it stinks of the rot that has driven so many to vote against him.

Biden stands as the 46th President-elect because the humanity of our President matters. The majority of this country can not and will not allow an egomaniac to sit at the helm. Character, honesty, integrity, humility, these are all inherent qualities we look to in a leader. Qualities that are blatantly missing from Trump’s personality palette.

The absence of these qualities are showing now as the President refuses to concede.

And let’s be clear, a recount and due process should be followed if it is warranted. To hold up the integrity of this nation the process to which we elect must be fair.

But unfounded irrational claims of fraud presents the opposite, and holds this country yet again in an embarrassingly divided ecosystem evolving from one man.

This exact scenario is an example of why the American people voted him out.

The outcome was strikingly obvious. As mail in ballots began to be counted, media began a slow expose on why the odds will begin to tip in Biden’s favor. The so blatantly obvious was spelled out time and time again to diminish any cry wolf scenario out of Trump.

B​ut cry he will.

Photo by Tiffany Tertipes on Unsplash

The fact that anyone can fail to see how the Mail in ballot would not tip in Biden’s favor is mind boggling. Trump and his campaign asked for this. Instead of meeting the pandemic and the ensuing health crisis through expert advice while standing on logic, Trump once again used it as an opportunity to divide the nation.

He politicized a global health issue.

His rhetoric surrounding the pandemic was filled with conspiracy, blame, and misinformation. At its worst it risked peoples live’s. At its best it was just down right confusing. He took a simple logical practice of wearing a mask and turned it into a political statement.

At the height of this anti-mask propaganda I remember the varying sentiments on the protective measure. Many Trumpers felt it was an infringement on their rights as an American, and a threat to our constitution, even going as far as vehemently testifying this against congress. Some of this nonsense played out on the streets. I recall a story in my town were a woman wearing a mask was screamed at by a Trump supporter. As she made her way into the grocery store a man aggressively yelled out, “Trump 2020!”. This is the epitome of a country divided under Trump’s influence, and the ability of his supporters to interpret anything as politics.

T​his climate laid the foundation for the scenario that led to the results of the election, not WHY Biden was voted in but HOW. It is so obvious and simple. Those who support Biden had legitimate concerns about exposing themselves on Election Day to the virus, so many of them cast a vote via mail. Trump supporters on the other hand cared little about that risk, enamored by the President’s narrative concerning the scope, legitimacy, and risk of the virus. Often, they didn’t believe in the dangers of the virus because their President told them not to.

Furthermore, Trump urged his supporters to directly oppose the mail in ballot and vote as a true American on Election Day. He voiced concerns of voter fraud, and so many aligned with him echoed that belief.

The result? A mail-in-ballot-fueled Biden victory.

This has been the obvious outcome all along. Trump saw it, planned for it, and even helped to construct it.

W​hat’s sad is that Trump and his campaign saw this coming months out and ran this angle to once again blame democrats for his own failure. He pumped his constituents with fear and freedom, coercing them to do their civic duty on election day, all the while joining in the chorus of “Voter Fraud!”. Once again the belief being that the democratic elite conspired against our American freedom and tarnished our democracy, by this time rigging an election.

Biden has legitimately won the position as the 46th President-elect of this country. To claim otherwise, especially through illegitimate irrational claims, is the means by which our democracy is being tarnished once again.



Jordan McCleester

Freelance writer & small business owner. Lifetime reader and writer. I am finding my truth through my words.